Learning on the Move - Exploring the Use of Mobile Media in Education.

Friday 21 October 2011

I’m in Love with my iPad

Smitten, head over heels, deliriously besotted.

Did I tell you I love my new iPad?

It has taken me a year to buy my Ipad because of researching, deliberating, procrastinating – a kindle, a nook, a Sony E-reader, an iPad?!! I thought that I wanted to leap into the world of e-books but the world the iPad offers is that and so much more.

It arrived three weeks ago all glistening in a white box emblazoned with the ubiquitous apple. Ironically, it was on the sad day of the passing of Steve Jobs, ex-Apple CEO. Grateful for such human ingenuity, I murmured thanks and ripped open the package. A shining tablet awaited me, engraved with my name and encased in a magnetic red leather Smart Cover. I connected the ipad to my computer and, with of a swipe of a mouse, I was ready to delve into the world of mobile technology.

So, dramatic introduction over, I am immensely impressed with the iPad and have downloaded countless apps to explore in teaching. The touch screen interface is easy to use, the colours are hugely attractive and e-books are very readable (especially in bed!). I can see great uses with reluctant readers, visual and kinaesthetic learners and big kids like me!

I was interested to read the "Slidetolearn' presentation and the Blooms Taxonomy for Ipad Apps when I perused the Mobile Me blog. Fuel for thought and more research to do...

Did I tell you I was in my love with my iPad?


1 comment:

  1. Hi Catherine,

    I totally agree with you. I'm besotted with my Ipad too!

